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We are closely following guidance from the CDC, as well as state and local officials and health authorities, as we take extreme care to maintain our safe, healthy environment for patients and staff. We have enhanced our already rigorous health protocols, such as:

Protective Masks

We are providing hand sanitizers, and protective face coverings for all staff members and patients to wear. We do strongly encourage patients to come in wearing their own masks.

Taking Temperatures

We’re now screening all staff members upon arrival to check for raised temperatures or evident symptoms.

Limited Clinic Access
  • To curb the spread of germs and control group size, we are limiting the number of patients seen at the clinic. Telehealth visits are available when appropriate.
  • Bringing sick patients into an exam room immediately upon arrival or meeting them in the parking lot if they have visible signs of COVID-19.
Wellness Checks

Regular wellness checks of our staff are being conducted throughout the day.

Enhanced Health Practices
  • We’ve strengthened our existing cleanliness and hygiene practices (including more frequent, prolonged hand washing, cleaning, and sanitizing surfaces and items in the lobby and exam rooms).
  • Furniture in the waiting room has been appropriately distanced.

Make Your Appointment Today

Give us a call to request your next appointment at SHSU Physicians.