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Montgomery County’s Top Choice for Physicals & Immunizations

Annual physicals and recommended immunizations are a critical part of maintaining good health. Don’t neglect your annual visits, and make sure to stay up to date on your vaccinations. SHSU Physicians is here to help you stay healthy all year round. Our team of experienced doctors and healthcare providers is well-equipped to offer physicals for patients of all ages and backgrounds. Get in touch with us today to schedule your physical or ask about vaccinations for your child.

Physicals & Immunizations in Conroe, TX

Providing Physicals for the Whole Family

Is it time for your annual physical? The team at SHSU Physicians is proud to provide comprehensive physical exams for the whole family. Our team offers wellness exams for men, women, and children of all ages.

What’s Included in a Physical?

During your physical, you can expect many of these standard tests and evaluations:

  • Vital signs, including blood pressure, height, and weight
  • Vision
  • Cardiovascular exam
  • Respiratory exam
  • Skin evaluation
  • Gastrointestinal assessment
  • Neurological exam
  • Other exams as indicated

Different Types of Physicals

Physicals are done for a variety of reasons. Here are some common types of physicals and why people get them:

  • Sports Physicals – These are done to ensure a person is healthy before joining a sports team.
  • Pre-Employment Physicals – Some employers require these before hiring a candidate, especially if the job necessitates a certain level of fitness.
  • Student Physicals – These are done before the start of the school year to help students stay healthy.
  • Physicals for Insurance – If you switch to a new insurance provider, they might ask you to get a physical to assess your current health condition.
A physician engages in discussion with a family during a consultation in Conroe, TX

Different Kinds of Immunizations

Here are some important types of vaccines:

  • Influenza (Flu)
  • Polio (IPV)
  • Hepatitis B (Hep-B)
  • Rotavirus (RV)
  • Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR)
  • Meningitis (Men ACWY/Men-B)
  • Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis/whooping cough (DTaP)
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV for children ages nine and above)
  • COVID 19

Why Are Immunizations Important?                              

Immunizations protect against a wide range of diseases. To become immune to a disease without getting vaccinated, you’d have to catch the disease and survive it, which can be dangerous. Immunizations provide a much safer way to strengthen the immune system. Getting vaccinated is especially important for children since their immune systems are more susceptible to viruses in comparison to adults.

How Do Immunizations Protect Against Disease?

Vaccines contain certain germs (or parts of germs) that have either been weakened or killed. Exposing the body to weakened or small parts of the germ in a vaccine boosts the immune system without the person even getting the illness. If that same person were to be exposed to those germs again, their immune system would already know how to fight off the infection more easily or avoid the illness completely.

Make an Appointment with SHSU Physicians Today

You can count on SHSU Physicians to provide physicals and immunizations for the whole family. We’ll take the time to understand the health needs of you and your family, provide annual physicals as needed, and recommend the proper vaccinations to keep everyone healthy. Our friendly, knowledgeable doctors are here to help you maintain good health in Conroe, TX. Call us to schedule an appointment today!

Make Your Appointment Today

Give us a call to request your next appointment at SHSU Physicians.